Blaser hearing protection


Active Blaser earmuffs instantly protect against gunshots through sound-activated compression while amplifying ambient noise. Thanks to their slim design, they are predestined for shotgun and sport shooting. The included pads can be easily changed and are available in orange camo, green camo and white camo.
The soft gel ear pads fit perfectly and optimally absorb the pressure needed to protect your ears. You can connect your mobile phone or radio via an auxiliary jack. An adjusting wheel lets you turn the Blaser earmuffs on or off or control the volume of ambient noise. The active Blaser hearing protectors come in a compact neoprene pouch that fits ideally in any backpack.

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Dimensions: 12x10x22 cm | Weight: 0.5 kg
Productnr. 80405360
Weight: 0.3 kg